Monday, January 30, 2012

My variation on - 40/40 40 me!

A work colleague led me to the website - a challenge to read fifty (new) books and watch fifty (new) movies in one year.  An interesting challenge, and certainly a stretch.  However, in recognition of my *gulp* 40th birthday, I'm customizing the challenge:  40 books, 40 movies in celebration of turning 40.  So here goes!


  1. We think you'll be able to hit 40 (books and movies). We're an aspirational challenge! Thanks for joining!

  2. Good luck, I will be following you! See, that is precisely why I couldn't do this. People would follow me and I would have anxiety that I would let them down. Then reading would feel like a chore on my todo list instead of a relaxing opportunity. Then as it neared the end I would feel the need to perhaps start lying about the books by using books I had already read to make it seem like I was reading. So this challenge would essential turn me into a anxiety ridden compulsive lier. But I wish the best for you! Happy reading! :)

    1. Don't think my book list won't include measured doses of fluff, and don't think I'm not counting kid movies towards my tally... (See Movie #1)
