If I had known I was going to take on a Read-A-Lot-Of-Books challenge, I might not have chosen the 640-page novel Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. So lucky for me then, that I didn't know about it, because then I would have delayed reading this wonderful, complex, challenging, vivid novel!
It follows the life of twin brothers, Marion (the narrator) and Shiva, born in unusual circumstances in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the mid-1950's. I would do it a disservice to try to summarize it--that's not my strong suit. But I loved the book, and highly recommend it.
My sister has been to Addis, and reading Cutting for Stone gave me another view on what she's described about the city and the needs there. Added bonus: At the end of the novel, when Verghese thanks all the people who helped him, he gives a shout out to Dr. Rick Hodes, an amazing and inspirational physician living in Ethiopia. Read about him! Give money to the JDC, the charitable organization that supports Dr. Rick's work!
Now I am going to read something quick and trivial.
Love. xo