Saturday, December 29, 2012

Movie #10 - Argo

Sometimes when people recommend movies, I am skeptical.  But then, if their recommendation complies with a ton of other recommendations, I start to assign it a little bit of gravitas.

We watch so few movies a year.  Generally, we choose to assign our babysitting time to live events (concerts, plays, dinners with friends), and often we don't have the time / energy to watch an entire movie at home. But we had a stretch of time where the kids were with my mom, and we threw a bunch of it to movies.

We went to see Argo, a thriller (based on a true story) about the CIA evacuation of 6 of the US personnel who escaped from being hostages in 1979-80.  I don't know (or, really care) what proportion of the movie is real or dramatized.  I LOVED it.  So well done, so well documented.

I'm reluctant to share my one quibble with it, given how well it was done.  But I'll throw it out there.

The hero of the the actual event is Latino. Despite the otherwise meticulous attention to detail, Ben Affleck elected to replace the central character, Tony Mendez with a non-Latino actor - himself.  I totally get that Affleck wanted to be the man in this amazing movie, and he did a lovely job IN the film.  But after I watched the movie, I wished he'd cast it elsewhere.  He's likely to win an Oscar (or maybe several).  Did he need to jam himself in there?


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