Tuesday, March 13, 2012

On Goals

Many goals we set are relatively arbitrary:  lose five pounds (why five?  why not four?  why not seven?); get to work by nine (why 9:00?  why not 8:43?  why not 9:13?).

Some are set by an external construct (a race you've signed up for; a fun idea that intrigued you), but really, these goals are internally set, internally mandated, internally managed. 

If you do something crazy like set up a blog (where people can/will track your progress) or confide in your colleagues (who might ask you how things are going), then you are more accountable for these arbitrary goals, but it doesn't make them any less arbitrary.

This is all a (relatively) long way of saying that I don't love my forty.forty goals. I love the book one, so much! This goal has already actively changed my habits.  I watch less TV.  I try to get away for 20 minutes at lunch so I can read my novel. I love thinking & talking about what I'm reading, and what I might read next. It's all good. (And I might not reach the goal, and I don't really care  I am still enjoying it!)

It's the movie thing!  Ugh.  Movies.  They take SO FREAKING LONG.  You can't (easily) split them up over four-seven days, like you can with a book.  You have to just BE THERE, watching that MOVIE the whole time.  It feels like an unpleasant amount of pressure.

Am considering the following:
  1. Downgrading my movie goal to something more manageable (20? 10?)
  2. Swapping my movie goal for a running miles per month goal
  3. Accepting suggestions for some other cool thing


  1. What about 40 things you want to do when you decide you want to do them? And let us know?

  2. i had the same thoughts about the movies! that's why I thought I could do the books so much easier than the movies! I think it's the 'sit in the same place for 2ish hours at a time' thing that I couldn't commit to. How many are left? If you break it down per month (2? 3?) it might not seem so bad. On the other hand, if it's making you miserable...why put yourself through it? One a month? That seems manageable.

    1. I was thinking it might be easier / more fun if I started actually going to movies IN THE MOVIE THEATRE. I know, a radical idea, right? But when I'm home, it just seems like I *should* be doing other, more productive things, like cleaning the kitchen. or sleeping.

  3. Wait, did your birthday happen? I am so bad with birthdays.

    But I am so excited and happy that you have a blog! You are in my Google Reader. I eagerly await your posts.

    1. No no, birthday isn't till August. But 2012 is the Year of the Forty, and I'm using the whole year to get used to the notion. :)

  4. just watch 40 movie previews...kinda like just doing the cliff notes :)

  5. Hmm, I get you on the accountability thing. That's why I tell everyone I know when I'm doing NaNoWriMo--so I'll be too embarrassed to slack off :) But if you're not enjoying it, cut it. I tried a 365 photo-a-day year, that I found horrid, and quit in like February. Why did I want to subject myself to something that was sucking all the joy out of taking pictures of my kids?

    In fact, when you first posted this challenge, I thought it would be really fun to play along, except that I didn't want to have to watch 40 movies in a year. 20 movies would be better for me--a stretch, but not an uncomfortable stretch. Know what I mean?

    Hmm, how about instead of the movies, you decide to participate in NaNoWriMo with me this year?? (Okay, I'm shamelessly trying to get some other suckers to take the plunge this year! I haven't done it in a few years and could use some company :)
